Members of Eco Caminhos show how life on a sustainable farm not only benefits those who live there, but also allows the possibility to help those who need it most in times of global crisis and instability.
Life on an eco farm is one of constant motion and learning, both physical and mental. This lifestyle reveals to us the daily importance of cultivating your own food and construction projects, even during hard times.
Quarantine and other challenges brought on by COVID-19 enable us to reflect on what could be done to benefit eco farm residents and also how local communities could be helped. Bart Bijen, owner of Eco Caminhos, partnered with the campaign “SOS Favelas,” a collaborative project by Viva Rio and Academia Pérolas Negras, to achieve the donation of 50 basic food baskets for families in need in Cardinot.
In addition to the basic food baskets and personal hygiene products, Eco Caminhos increased its production output so as to be able to contribute more organic foods like lettuce, chicoria, and mint to the campaign effort. Donations from other community members, including as chuchu and cauliflower, were also obtained.
“Besides the basic baskets, we also acquired a variety of vegetables, like cauliflower and lettuce, which are complementing the basic baskets. I would like to thank all the people who helped and participated in the campaign. We are very grateful for being able to help,” Bart said.
The delivery of food baskets was accomplished during the day, using previous records of families who receive benefits, personnel equipped with face masks, hand sanitizer made available to everyone, and planning a schedule aimed at preventing agglomerations.
To disseminate this solidary thought, the team at Eco Caminhos produced a video about the campaign:
[cherry_video_preview source=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sALqVqnqC1w” poster=”https://ecocaminhos.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/sosfavela-ecocaminhos-ecofarm.png”][/cherry_video_preview]
Eco Caminhos, a sustainable farm located in the mountains of Nova Friburgo, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, receives volunteers from various countries and seeks to align community living with a lifestyle based in nature. The project unites people to learn about permaculture, bioconstruction, agroforestry, organic farming, and personal growth.